Sunday, November 18, 2012

And Then We Were Two

Trauma and Decisions

After another wonderful dinner prepared again by Kaji, Chandra called us all together for a group meeting.  You see one of our group, Deirdre overturned her ankle coming in to Nangi the night before. All the nurses in our group, Rebecca the body worker and healer, John with his Reiki and all of us forming a healing circle were able to relax her mind and relieve some pain. Shelley provided a nice "Himalayan bud" that she picked earlier. And Chandra brought in a Shaman to work her wonders. Chandra and Debbie both declared we all have what it takes to do the entire trek, however we could break up in to two groups. One would do the trek as planned and the other would take shorter hikes each day and less destinations. We all agreed to stay together for the next day at least.

Porters are packing up.

One of the only maps that showed Nangi.

Leaving Nangi together.

I have found Dandelions! 

Buckwheat field.

Much needed break under the cherry tree.

Luna with her Daddy.

Luna with her shadow.

We all made the 6 hour trek to Dandakharha.  But after dinner and another group discussion it was decided to split the group.  Debbie, Luna, Prem and 3 porters would take 5 of those who decided to take it slow.  Chandra, Kaji and 6 porters would take the rest of us on the original trek.    
Our entire group, porters included.

See you soon...until we meet again.

And we continue with heavy hearts.

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